Friday, December 23, 2005

Welcome to on the pod

Welcome to "on the pod." Mostly music reviews by real people, or person…namely, me.

You might be asking yourself, why I’m qualified to do this. You would be vastly over-thinking this whole thing. I’m just a guy like you. I was born in 72, I went to school, I went to music school (University of New Haven), I have a pretty large music collection (Hundreds of CD’s and 120 gig of digital audio and growing) and I have an iPod (hence the name, on the pod).

So the plan here is to give honest reviews. I have no intention of slamming the artist just for the sake of slamming the artist. I also tend to fall back on the thing that all mothers teach their kids, “If you don’t have something nice to say…” so I will try to keep things positive and point out the good points of some of the less than stellar albums I’ve heard. I’d also like to bring on some guest reviewer and I’ll let the comments section be your chance to post your own reviews.

If you’re interested in what I’m listening to right now as I write this…it’s Peter Ostroushko’s Coming Down From Red Lodge and I’m one track away from Teelin Bay Waltz, which breaks my heart every time I hear it, but that’s for later. On the pod right now I have 42.53GB worth of audio in the following categories:

80’s (Hairbands from the 1980’s)

Alternative – (Older, and in my opinion, original Alternative artists)

Alternative + (Contemporary Alternative artists)

Audiobook (Mostly downloaded from, which I highly recommend)

Blues (Self Explanatory)

Classical (Self Explanatory)

Comedy (Full length comedy albums)

Country (Self Explanatory)

Heavy – (Older, and in my opinion, Original bands who are heavier than rock but not necessarily Hair)

Heavy + (Contemporary bands who are heavier than rock but not necessarily Hair)

Holiday (Self Explanatory)

Instrumental (Instrumental artists mostly playing guitar)

Jazz (Self Explanatory)

Lilith (Slightly less offensive than saying “Acoustic Lesbian Music”)

My Stuff (Original tunes by yours truly)

New Age (Self Explanatory)

Pop – (Older, and in my opinion, original Pop artists)

Pop + (Contemporary Pop artists)

Prairie Music (For lack of a better category name, music you might hear on “A Prairie Home Companion”)

Progressive (Mostly heavy Progressive or Art Rock)

R&B (Self Explanatory)

Rock (Self Explanatory)

Soundtrack (Self Explanatory)

Tributes (Various artist tribute albums to specific bands)

Unsigned (Mostly local bands looking for a break)


World (Self Explanatory)

So there you go. That’s what I have and what I’ll be working from. I guess we’ll see how far I can take this. I’ll try and have updates fairly regularly, I’m always up for new music and I have a bunch of old music, so I guess I have some listening to do.

Joe / pseudojoe